फा.सं / FILE NO: A-33058/2/2015-ISTM                                                          


सचिवालय प्रशिक्षण तथा प्रबन्ध संस्थान


(आईएसओ 9001:2008 संस्था / AN ISO 9001:2008 INSTITUTION)

कार्मिक एवं प्रशिक्षण विभाग / DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL & TRAINING

प्रशासनिक ब्लाक, ज.ने.वि. परिसर (पुराना) / ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK, JNU CAMPUS (OLD),

ओलोफ पाल्मे मार्ग, नई दिल्ली - 110067/ OLOF PALME MARG, NEW DELHI – 110067

                        दूरभाष / TELEPHONE – 011-26102597;     टेलीफैक्स / FAX – 011-26104183

                                                                                                         दिनांक / Date: 7th September, 2015


1.     Secy. to the Govt. of India (All Ministries / Departments)

2.     All Attached & Subordinate Offices.

3.     All State Governments / All Union Territories

4.     The Central Vigilance Commission / Election Commission of India / UPSC

5.     All Public Sector Undertakings / All Autonomous Bodies


Subject: Training Circular  on  Principles of Natural Justice (Code-PNJ-01)  – to be conducted by this Institute on 7th December,2015


            A training programme on “Principles of Natural Justice will be conducted in this Institute 7th December,2015.  The details of the programme i.e. the Aim, Course contents, Level and Type of Participants, Venue etc. are given in Annexure-I.

2.        Nomination form for the course may be filled online at http://www.istm.gov.in/home/online_nomination_form.  It may kindly be noted that it is mandatory to fill form online.  However, the nominees must ensure that his/her nomination is cleared by his/her sponsoring authority before applying online. The sponsoring authority letter’s may be sent separately by post.

3.         Only such officers should be nominated who can attend the programme on whole time basis.  While making nominations the level and type of participants as indicated in Annexure-I may kindly be borne in mind.  An officer who has already attended similar programme conducted by ISTM or any other should not be nominated for this programme.  Nominations of eligible officers complete in all respect should reach the undersigned latest by   01.11.2015

4.         Only such candidates, whose nominations are accepted for the Training Programme by the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management, would be allowed to join the course.  It is, therefore, reiterated that nominees should be relieved only after acceptance by the Institute. The acceptance of nomination letter will be uploaded in ISTM website www.istm.gov.in one month prior starting of the course and no separate communication by post would be issued.

     Encl: as above

                                                                                                                                                    Yours faithfully,


    (Naresh Bhardwaj)

                                                                                                                     Deputy Director &

                                                                                                                   Course Director

                                                                                                                 Tele: 26102597





CODE                           :           PNJ

TITLE                            :           Principles of Natural Justice

DURATION                    :           1 Day (07.12.2015)

VENUE                           :           ISTM, JNU Campus (Old)


1.             AIM OF THE PROGRAMME :

To equip the participants with requisite knowledge and skills in application of Principles of Natural Justice in Administration as well as Quasi-judicial area.


Ø  Importance of Principles of Natural Justice and their application in effective decision making.

Ø  Constitutional provisions relating to application of PNJs.

Ø  Source of Principles of Natural Justice.

Ø  Important court judgments on PNJ.

Ø  Sharing of experience by participants on application of PNJs.

Ø  Effects of non-applicability of PNJs.

3.             METHODOLOGY



Group discussion

Case studies

Practical exercises, etc.


 4.             ELIGIBILITY CONDITION          The programme is meant for the officers of the level of dealing Assistants, Section Officers and above in the Central Secretariat and officers of comparable status in the Central Govt. Offices/ State Govts. Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertakings etc.


5.        COURSE CAPACITY   :   25



       In the case of persons nominated from Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies, a Capitation fee of Rs.2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only) will be charged.  The capitation fee may be sent in the form of a Bank Draft/Cheque drawn in favour of `Assistant Director, ISTM, New Delhi’ or brought by the trainee concerned.  Other participants of Central / State Government need not pay any course fee.



       ISTM has a modest hostel facility where AC rooms are available, on twin sharing, on first come first served basis. For details relating to the tariff and availability of accommodation at the ISTM Hostel, the participants may contact the Caretaker or Hostel Warden at Tele. No.011-26172571. Family members of the participants are NOT allowed to stay in the hostel with the participants


NOTE:         Names of Candidates whose nominations are accepted by ISTM will be displayed on the website of ISTM i.e. www.istm.gov.in.  They may be relieved only after display of their name on the website of ISTM. No separate communication by post would be issued by ISTM and therefore the Sponsoring Authority/Participants are advised to check the website of ISTM regularly i.e. www.istm.gov.in.