Mandate & Activities Organize mandatory Foundational and mid-career training programmes under the Training Plan of Central Secretariat Services with linkage to the career progression. Organize specialized programmes for upgrading of knowledge & skills in the areas of Personnel Administration, Office Management, Right to Information, Financial Management, Good Governance, Records Management, Noting & Drafting, Reservation in Services, Presentation Skills. Management Services Retirement benefits, Pay Fixation, Administrative Vigilance, Handling of CAT case and Secretariat Skills. Organize Foundational and Refresher programmes for Central Stenographic Service Officers. Develop positive outlook through short training Course & Workshops on Behavioural Skills, Team Building & Leadership, Communication & Negotiation Skills, Stress Management (including Yoga and Meditation), Ethics & values in Administration and Gender Issues. Organize IT based operational skills development courses. Conduct Organization specific courses on different aspects of Financial Management, Behavioural Skills, Personnel Administration, and Right to Information etc. Provide Faculty support to State Government and Union Territory Administrations by running model-training courses at the State Capitals, assist in designing training materials and help in preparing their training materials and Training Methodology. Produce regularly, update training literature/material relevant to training courses designed and conducted by the Institute. Provide faculty assistance to various organizations and training institution on specialized topics. Conduct Training of Trainer programmes sponsored by Department of Personnel & Training. To provide faculty assistance in conducting Trainer Development programmes sponsored by DoPT at Training Institutes across the Country. Consultancy for Central Government Ministries / Departments. |