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Faculty Profile
Name :Naresh Bhardwaj
Designation :Director
E-mail :naresh[dot]bhardwaj[at]nic[dot]in
Phone (O) :011-26737606
Phone (R) :+91-8010101800
Educational Qualification
- Ø B.Com.(Honours)
- Ø Delhi Univerisity, LLB
- Ø MBA in Financial Management
- Ø Arun Jaitely National Institute of Financial Management
Work Experience
- Ø FACULTY Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) FROM OCTOBER 2000 TO OCT 2006, FROM JUNE 2007 TO JULY 2010 AND THEREAFTER FROM JULY 2013 TO OCTOBER 2015.
- Ø Deputy Secretary of CSS – from 2018 to August 2022 - in Department of Pensions and Pensioners’ Welfare from July 2020 till August 2022- dealt with CPENGRAMS and was the Head of Department also. Dealt with Pension Policy etc.
- Ø January, 2017 till June 2018- Under Secretary (MRTS-IV) on Desk Officer pattern- dealing with Kochi Metro Rail Project, Lucknow Metro Rail Project, Pune Metro Rail Project and Kanpur/Agra/Meerut Metro Rail Project (proposal stage).
- Ø November 2015 till January 2017- Under Secretary (Vigilance) on Desk Officer pattern- dealt with all Vigilance cases of Group A Engineers & other officials of the Northern Central Public Works Department (CPWD) .
- Ø August 2010 till 15th July, 2013 Under Secretary (Finance) in Ministry of Urban Development- on Desk Officer pattern- dealt with Financial matters (including Cadre Reviews) relating to DELHI METRO, CPWD, DDA, NCRPB ,DUAC etc .
- Ø Section Officer (Establishment /P-II) in Ministry of Environment & Forests from February 1999 October 2000 & Member of Office Council representing the CSS Gazetted Officers Association- dealt with all establishment matters eg Recruitment, Confirmation, Disciplinary Proceedings, Pension, Medical Reimbursement, ACPs, DPC and Service Records etc.
- Ø ASO in Ministry of Industry from September 1993 till February 1999- Dealt with Policy matters of National Renewal Fund and Establishment etc.
Areas of Specialisation
- Ø Faculty in the specialised area of CCS(Conduct) Rules, CCS(Pension) Rules, Administrative Vigilance (Preventive Vigilance, Preliminary Investigation, Suspension), CCS(CCA) Rules (Constitutional Provisions, Charge-Sheet, Inquriy, Action by Disciplinary Authority, Appeal, Revision and Review and Judicial Review) , Reservation in Services for SC/ST/OBC & Persons with Disability (Constitutional Provisions, Scope, Applicability and Percentages, Verification of Claims, Def. of SC/ST/SC and Judicial Dicta, Role and functions of LO/Commisions/ Maintenance of Roster, Reservation in DR & Promotion) , Administrative Law, Constitutional Law on Fundamental Rights, Establishment Rules (Promotion, DPC, Sealed Cover) and Stress Management etc.
- Ø Module on Pension & Pensionary Benefits completed in 2001 is displayed on the website of DoP&T& Training Division under the UNDP programme for Strengthening of State ATIs - Contributed in the Publication of Vigilance Handbook on Disciplinary Proceedings- available in the Website of DoPT (persmin.nic.in) and ISTM. Presented a paper on Metro Rail Policy-2017.
Broad Areas of Interest
- Ø Administrative Law & Disciplinary Proceedings
Conference/Seminar/Training Attended.
- Ø Training of Trainers programme conducted in 2001 by the Thames Valley University (TVU) in Slouborough, UK sponsored by Training Division, DoP&T under UNDP programme. DTS, DOT etc. Leadership in Urban Transport in KOTI, Seoul and LTA Singapore in 2017.