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CIC/MP/A/2016/000143 (98.06 KB) ![]() |
30 Jun, 2016 | Satish Kumar Jha vs Life Insurance Corporation of India, Delhi Section 7 (1) Supply of Information. The Commission held that the respondents had failed to provide complete and satisfactory information to the appellant at the first instance, particularly in respect of reasons for delayed payment of gratuity to him and about penal interest payable on late payment of gratuity. Mere stating that due to non availability of commission record, the payment of gratuity was delayed is not sufficient. The CPIO should have provided more concrete reasons as available in material form to the appellant. Further, no response was given to the appellant regarding penal interest payable for late payment of gratuity. there does not seem to be any deliberate or malafide attempt on the part of the CPIO to provide incomplete information, warranting any penal action against him. Nonetheless, the fact which cannot be overlooked in this whole process is that the appellant had to suffer unwarranted detriment and mental agony on account of non supply of complete and satisfactory information in the first instance and he had to file first appeal and then second appeal for receiving the desired information. The Commission by powers vested in it under section of the RTI Act, directed the respondent authority to pay a sum of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand) to the appellant as compensation. |
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CIC/SA/A/2016/001176 (405.21 KB) ![]() |
28 Jun, 2016 | Mahavir Singh vs Patiala House Court Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission held that it is the professional duty of the judicial officer/ court of law to give reasons for giving long next date. Lack of reasons raises several questions. First do not give reasons, then, deny the information under RTI because 'not existing'. This means taking undue advantage of deficiency. An order without reasons is not 'clean'. The Commission required the public authority, the Courts in Patiala House and every court to recognize the right of every client to know why hearing of his case is adjourned for a long date and provide reasons to the client in the relevant order as part of their voluntary disclosure duties both under Code of Civil Procedure and Right to Information Act. All the orders of the courts, number of them and reasons for adjournment in each case should be made available on website to fulfill the obligation under section 4 of the Act. The Commission directed the respondent authority to facilitate inspection of the entire file pertaining to FIR 192/12 and provide copies of desired documents at Rs. 2/ per page. |
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CIC/YA/A/2015/001023 (615.31 KB) ![]() |
23 Jun, 2016 | Dharambir Saini vs NDMC, Delhi Section 7(1) — Supply of Information The Commission held that simple queries of the citizen have not been addressed/ answered and information which should be readily available have been made virtually inaccessible by transfer of the applications from one officer to the other purposelessly and when a superior officer directs that information should be furnished such directions are completely ignored as if they were never passed. The AE who attended the hearing did not bother to inform either the PIO or the JE to ensure that the FAA's orders are complied with. Penalty imposed. |
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CIC/YA/A/2015/001253 (342.79 KB) ![]() |
21 Jun, 2016 | S.R.K. Sehgal Vs. South Delhi Municipal Corporation, Delhi Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission held that the officers entrusted with the job of collecting taxes are themselves not fully conversant with the rules and procedures in this regard. When queried as to what is the status of implementation of High Court order, the PIO stated that the MCD had gone in appeal against the High Court order to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court affirmed the High Court verdict and dismissed MCD's appeal. It is, therefore, a matter of public interest that when in one case the Unit Area Method has been used with retrospective effect, why it cannot be used in the other, which is the appellant's main focus of his queries. The appellant has been repeatedly approaching the MCD, requesting them for assessing his property for taxation purposes under the Unit Area Method. The Commission directed the PIO to give the present status on the consideration by the MCD of appellant's request for computation of tax for his property under the Unit Area Method. |
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CIC/MP/A/2015/002000 (48.90 KB) ![]() |
23 May, 2016 | S.P. Parameswar Vs. State Bank of India Section 7 (1) — Supply of Information The Commission held that the CPIO had provided the information as held by him. As far as the information already placed in public domain, the CIC in its order in Appeal No. CIC/AT/ [A/ 2010/000384 dated 6.10.2010 has held that ‘’A matter already brought out into the public domain, either through website or through a publication, comes within the obligation cast on the public authority under section 4(1) of the RTI Act and it would be entirely in order for that public authority to direct a petitioner to the source from where information could be obtained’’. |
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CIC/RM/C/2014/000333-YA (43.10 KB) ![]() |
25 Apr, 2016 | R K. Sood vs NTPC, Delhi Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission held that it is well established law-and CIC in its past decisions have always held that minutes of the Board are not exempt from disclosure, though deliberations leading to the same maybe exempt from disclosure. The Commission accordingly directed the PIC) to furnish the note sheet/approval of Board of Directors. |
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CIC/RM/A/2014/002087/SB CIC/RM/A/2014/002086/SB (340.21 KB) ![]() |
25 Apr, 2016 | Vipin Kumar vs Staff Selection Commission, New Delhi & Ann Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission directed the CPIO to provide a copy of the attendance sheet, attested copy of sheet plan and attested copy of the report of the invigilator, after severing the personal information of the invigilators so that the identity of the invigilators is not revealed to the appellant. |
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CIC/CC/A/2014/901173 (298.72 KB) ![]() |
25 Apr, 2016 | Jitendra P Maru vs U. T. of Admn. of Daman and Diu Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission held that the file notings may be disclosed in the following manner: (i) The copies of office notings recorded in the file shall be provided to the appellant after removing from the notings and correspondence, (a) the date of the noting and the letter, as the case may be; (b) the name and designation of the person recording the noting and writing the letter and; (c) any other indication in the noting and/or correspondence which may reveal or tend to reveal the identity of author of the noting/letter, as the case may be; (ii) If the notings and/or correspondence referred in (i) above contains personal information relating to a third party, such information will be excluded while providing the information sought by the respondent. |
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CIC/RM/A/2014/001222 (303.12 KB) ![]() |
18 Apr, 2016 | Naresh Prasad vs PIO, Central Board of Secondary Education, Patna Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Right to Information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) Rules 2005. Rule 4 fee to be charged for supply of copy of answer book. The Commission directed the PIO to provide copy of his answer book at the cost of Rs. 2/- per page and directed him to show cause why maximum penalty should not be imposed against him for charging unreasonable amount and violation of RTI Act & Rules by demanding fee of Rs. 700/- per answer script. |
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CIC/SA/A/2015/001792 (360.29 KB) ![]() |
01 Apr, 2016 | Asif Iqbal vs Sub Divisional Magistrate-III (HQ) Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission recommended that in pursuance to the landmark judgment, of the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court which ruled that Aadhar card is not necessary for availing government scheme; the public authority and government should give widespread publicity through various media that Aadhar is not mandatory for the purpose of marriage registration scheme and also make necessary changes for online application for solemnization of marriage under Special Marriage Act. The Commission directed the CPIO to provide information about action taken on Executive Order No. F. 1 (12)/DC /MC/2014 dated 21.4.2014 regarding appointment of additional marriage officers to the appellant within 21 days of this order under intimation to this Commission. |
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CIC/SA/A/2015/000947 (254.62 KB) ![]() |
30 Mar, 2016 | Lokesh Kumar vs Navodqya Vidyalaya Samiti Section 7 Supply of Information. The Commission held that according to RTI Act the PIO cannot charge for manpower or for any other expenditure and charging of an exorbitant amount like this is treated as denial of information. The Commission further held that it is wrongful on the part of AIMA to demand Rs. 29,204/from the public authority to furnish question paper. Infact they have to hand over the question paper to public authority as it is their property as they have paid for it. Also, since Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is the owner of such question paper, it should be disclosed under RTI Act. Section 9 of RTI Act says, if state owns a copyright, it cannot claim exception from disclosure as it may reject a request for information only where such a request for providing access would involve an infringement of copyright subsisting in a person other than the State. The Commission directed the PIO to provide question paper to the appellant within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order. If not, the Commission would be compelled to initiate penal proceeding to impose penalty against him. |
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CIC/SA/A/2015/001769 (262.30 KB) ![]() |
11 Mar, 2016 | Nand Lal vs Department of Legal Affairs Section 7(1) Supply of Information. The Commission held that the Public authority and the notary are under a legal duty to protect and preserve such records/registers. If records are truly eaten away the termite, they owe an explanation to the people why they failed to prevent it. They also have a duty to give (i) list of records damaged by termite; (ii) list of those survived termite attack; and (iii) partially damaged records. If termite attack is claimed by the notary public, the genuineness of same has to be verified by the regulatory. If it was found to be wrongful claim the public authority should have taken necessary action against persons responsible for same. Section 4(I)(a) and (b) of the RTI Act imposed an obligation on notary and legal affairs department (public authority) to publish three lists. The Commission considered Smt. Meena Sharma as deemed PIQ and directed her to show cause why maximum penalty should not be imposed against her for not facilitating inspection of records through public authority as ordered by First appellate The Commission also directed Smt. Meena Sharma to furnish the certified copies of extracts from the notary registers as sought under the public authority and to explain why Commission should not direct the Department of Legal Affairs and her to give suitable compensation to the appellant. |
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CIC/RM/A/2014/003953/SA (301.05 KB) ![]() |
10 Mar, 2016 | Nirmal Kanta vs Laxmi Bai College Section 7(1) Supply of Information. The Commission held that the exemption under section 8(1)(a) of the RTI Act, sought to be applied by the Public Authority, is not applicable in this case and hence, directed the respondent authority/Principal to furnish the information free of cost to the appellant as sought by her. The Commission further directed the then Principal/FAA, Ms. Veena Gautam, deeming her to be the PIC), to show cause why penalty should not be imposed on her for obstructing the information, for missing the records pertaining to the appellant resulting in loss to the appellant. The Commission finds that the entire management of the college is denying the information which is supposed to have been disclosed voluntarily under section 4(l)(b) of the RTI Act, besides making wrong claims that records were not traceable. |
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CIC/RM/A/2014/004284 (354.46 KB) ![]() |
09 Mar, 2016 | Aniket Aga vs Supreme Court of India Section 7(1) Supply of Information. The Commission relied upon the judgment of the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi in W.P.(C) 11271 /2009 decided on 01.06.2012 in the matter of Registrar of Companies & Ors. v Dharmendra Kumar Garg & Anr., wherein, it was held that, if another statutory provision, created under any other law, vests the right to seek information and provides the mechanism for invoking the said right (which is also statutory, as in this case) that mechanism should be preserved and operated, and not destroyed merely because another general law created to empower the citizens to access information has subsequently been framed. The ratio of the aforesaid cited decisions is applicable in this case also. The action/ steps taken by the respondents in dealing with RTI application are satisfactory. |
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CIC/YA/A/2015/000816 CIC/YA/A/2015/001101 (239.71 KB) ![]() |
04 Mar, 2016 | H.G.S. Pahwa vs North Delhi Municipal Corporation, Delhi Section 7(1) Supply of Information The Commission held that the public authority cannot be obligated to furnish information in the manner as sought by the appellant. |