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CIC/CC/A/2014/000526/SD CIC/CC/A/2014/000521/SD (148.67 KB) ![]() |
25 Jul, 2016 | Dhiren Shah vs Indian Army Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation. The Commission held that inspection had already been allowed to the appellant earlier therefore there is no reason to deny inspection at this stage. CPIO has not provided any ground on the basis of which section 8(1)(h) is attracted. Mere statement that the matter is sub-judice is no ground for seeking exemption under section 8(1) (h). The Commission directed the respondent to provide full inspection to the appellant of relevant records/ files. |
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CIC/MP/A/2016/000056 CIC/MP/A/2016/000532 (117.89 KB) ![]() |
30 Jun, 2016 | N.K Aggarwal vs The New India Assurance Company Limited, Mumbai Section 8(I)(h). Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation The Commission held that the information sought by the appellant in his instant RTI application pertains to his own claim and not of any third party, He has right to know the reasons, as available in the records of the insurance company, for repudiation of his claim as he is the one who has been 'adversely affected' by the decision of the insurance company. Therefore, the plea taken by the public authority that disclosure of information sought by the appellant would harm the competitive position of the public authority as third party does not hold good and cannot be sustained. Similarly, the claim of fiduciary relationship, which has been made by the respondents at this stage only, is not persuasive in view of the reasons stated above. The Commission directed the CPIO to provide the information to the appellant as sought in his RTI application on payment of the requisite fee. |
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CIC/MP/A/2016/000133 (53.97 KB) ![]() |
30 Jun, 2016 | Nityananda Pramanik vs Life Insurance Corporation of India, Behrampur Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation The Commission held that a charged employee has a right to obtain information pertaining to documents on the basis Of which he is charged. The appellant should have approached the respondents' higher authorities in this regard, instead of pursuing the matter under the RTI Act. |
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CIC/CC/A/2014/903022/SD (137.48 KB) ![]() |
06 Jun, 2016 | Lt. Col Shailendra Grover vs Headquarters Central Command Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation The Commission rejected the submission of the CPIO and directed him to provide copy of note sheets of processing of Prosecution Sanction in HQ Central Command and letter of Central Command sent to Army HQ recommending appellant's prosecution sanction in respect of CBI cases. |
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CIC/YA/A/2014/003353/BJ (342.88 KB) ![]() |
19 May, 2016 | Prabhat Gopalan VS. Airport Authority of India, New Delhi Section 8(1)(h) — Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation The Commission held that the information sought by the appellant is exempted under section 8(1)(h) of the RTI Act till the completion of inquiry. |
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CIC/CC/A/2014/001216-YA (446.81 KB) ![]() |
01 Apr, 2016 | S. Vaikundarajan vs Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation The Commission held that in the facts of present appeal, clause (h) of section 8(1) is not attracted. The decision relied upon by the respondents is factually distinguishable inasmuch in the present appeal, mere pendency of civil writ proceedings could not be treated synonymous to expression, 'prosecution of offenders' as contained in clause (h) of section 8(1) of the Act. The respondents have grossly failed to discharge the burden of proof cast upon them u/s 19(5) of the RTI Act. The CPIO is directed to furnish the information as sought. |
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CIC/SH/A/2015/000173 (210.71 KB) ![]() |
30 Mar, 2016 | Sanjay Dixit vs IDBI Bank Ltd., Mumbai Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation. The Commission held that mere pendency of a matter in a court or tribunal cannot become the ground of denial of information. No court of law or tribunal has expressly forbidden disclosure of the information. Section 8(1)(h) does not apply in this case as there is no case of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders. The Appellant has sought a copy of the legal report of the bank's panel advocate, based on which the loan was granted. Such information cannot be provided as it involves a fiduciary relationship, covered by section of the RTI Act. |
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CIC/MP/A/2015/001406 (120.28 KB) ![]() |
29 Feb, 2016 | Sudhir Kumar Jain Vs. Ministry of Finance, Department of Financial Services, New Delhi Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation the Commission held that the respondents have not been able to justify as to how providing copies of the note sheet relating to suspension and termination order will impede the ongoing CBI enquiries and prosecution that providing the copies of file notings relating to suspension and termination of the appellant as CMD, Syndicate Bank, does not affect the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders as claimed by the respondents and directed the CPIO to provide file notings relating to the suspension and termination of the appellant after severing any third party information and names of officials who dealt with the case as per section 10 of the RTI Act, without disclosing the background papers. |
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CIC/SH/A/2014/003140 & CIC/VS/C/2013/00028/SH (316.76 KB) ![]() |
05 Feb, 2016 | P. Kishan vs Andhra Bank, Hyderabad Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation. The Commission held that no court of law or tribunal have expressly forbidden disclosure of the information sought by the Appellant/ Complainant in the RTI application and further, the disciplinary proceedings are already over and there is no ground to invoke section 8(1) (h) of the Act. |
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CIC/VS/A/2014/001450/SB (339.72 KB) ![]() |
14 Jan, 2016 | Amit Towar Vs. 0/0 Deputy Commissioner of Police, Crime , New Delhi Section 8(1)(h) Information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation the Commission held that the investigation in the matter relating to FIR Nos. 186 and 188/2013 PS Crime branch is still pending, therefore, disclosure of information, at this stage, would be detrimental as it would hamper the investigation. The disclosure of information has been rightly denied by the respondent under section of the RTI Act. |
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CIC/MP/A/2014/001168 (118.98 KB) ![]() |
31 Mar, 2015 | Lalu Varghese Vs. State Bank of India, Thiruvananthapuram The appellant sought copy of enquiry report on his complaint addressed to the Chairperson, SBI and action taken report pertaining to his complaint on sexual harassment of his wife at work place. The CPIO denied the information under the provisions of section 8 (1) (h) of the RTI Act as the disclosure of information at that point of time would impede the process of investigation. The Commission upheld the decision of the respondent. |
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CIC/MP/A/2014/000657 (271.85 KB) ![]() |
31 Mar, 2015 | S K Choubey Vs. Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd., Jaipur The appellant sought copies of all the documents related to Marine Claim. The CPIO asked the appellant about his relation with the marine claim whether it was registered in his name or in someone else’s name. The respondent further submitted that the appellant had sought the claim papers i.e. Surveyor’s report of a 3rd party i.e. Genus India and the matter under litigation before the Rajasthan State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission (SCDRC) against the OICL. The disclosure of the information had denied the information u/s 8(1)(h) of the RTI Act. The Commission held that the public authority cannot deny information on the ground that it would weaken its case before the court if it discloses the information to the very party who it is contesting in the court proceeding. The Commission directed the respondents to provide a copy of Surveyor’s report to the appellant. |
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CIC/BS/A/2014/000213, 000228 (78.40 KB) ![]() |
20 Jan, 2015 | Majit Singh Bali Vs. CPIO, Department of Posts The appellant sought authorised copies of notings and correspondence (certain pages) in file pertaining to sanction of prosecution; statements of persons, witnesses recorded during a certain period of inquiry; etc., which were not provided to him by the CPIO citing section 8 (1) (h) of the Act, treating that the information disclosure of which would impede the process of investigation. The CIC held that the information sought cannot be denied under principles of natural justice. As the charge sheet having already been filed on completion of investigation, there can be no apprehension that the disclosure would impede the progress of investigation. While supplying the information, if felt necessary, CPIO may severe from the notings, the date, name and designation of the persons recording the noting. |
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CIC/SA/A/2014/000615 CIC/SA/A/2014/000616 (466.19 KB) ![]() |
14 Jan, 2015 | Mukesh Sharma Vs. DTC The appellant, who himself has been facing disciplinary charges, sought fourteen points of information in respect of a complaint made by him against two DTC Officials. The CIC observed that the appellant is not trying to protect his personal right or right to employment or right to fair trial. But he is unleashing his private vengeance against senior colleagues who are either inquiring or informing or complaining or giving evidence against him. Such information would fall under exempted category under sec 8 (h) , as this would not only impede the investigation or inquiry against him, nut also impede the inquiring against all such erring employees who will be immorally encouraged or tempted to use RTI for this private, illegal and vengeful purpose. The CIC held that sufficient information has been given to the appellant in both the appeals and wards the appellant not to file RTI applications as a counter-measure to inquiry against him. If any such RTI application is filed in future by him or by anybody on this subject, the DTC shall refer to this order and reject the same. The Commission directs that this order has to be prominently displayed in the website and at any conspicuous place in the office under the caption of ‘misuse’ red in colour. |
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CIC/LS/A/2012/001069-SS (120.75 KB) ![]() |
23 Oct, 2013 | Korada Sreenivasa Rao vs Department of Scientific & Industrial Research The appellant sought information regarding disclosure of the file noting, correspondence etc. in relation to two disciplinary proceedings against him- the CPIO has denied the information to the appellant mainly on the ground of asking information which is not specific and for asking for the entire record. Decision The Commission held that although the appellant has been allowed inspection of the file in relation to his dismissal of his service, the Commission is of the view that the two chargesheet against the appellant has ow conclude, the respondent shall provide the file noting in relation to the said chargesheet after deleting/hiding the names of the officers in view of their security and related issue |